1st Place in Serious Games & Virtual Environments, Best in Show Award for Student Category (2019, January). “Virtual reality training simulation for learning hands and forearm anatomy.” IMSH 2019 SimVentors Showcase, Presented by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), San Antonio, TX.
Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Award (2018, April). 46th Annual Awards, Presented by Chancellor Amiridis, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Andrea S. Kim, Wei-Chung Cheng, Ryan Beams, Aldo Badano. “Color Rendering in Mixed-Reality Medical Applications.” (submitted).
Ryan Beams, Andrea S. Kim, Aldo Badano (2019, September). “Measurement of transverse chromatic aberrations in virtual reality headsets.” Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, pp. JW3A-88. OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America).
Ryan Beams, Andrea S. Kim, Aldo Badano (2019, September). “Transverse chromatic aberration in virtual reality head-mounted displays.” Optics Express, 27(18), pp. 24877-24884.
Ryan Beams, Andrea S. Kim, Wei-Chung Cheng, Aldo Badano (2019, June). “38-1: Transverse chromatic aberrations in virtual reality devices.” SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 50(1), pp.524-526.
Poster Presentations:
Ryan Beams, Andrea S. Kim, Wei-Chung Cheng, Aldo Badano (2019, September). “Display performance characterization of virtual and augmented reality devices for medicine.” Poster Session presented at the 2019 FDA Science Forum, Silver Spring, M.D.
Andrea S. Kim, Ryan Beams, Wei-Chung Cheng, Aldo Badano (2019, June). “Colour effects in the rendering of mixed-reality scenes.” Poster Session presented at the CIE 2019 29th Quadrennial Session, Washington, D.C.
Invited Talks:
Andrea S. Kim (2019, July). “Augmented & Virtual Reality in Medicine.” Seminar presented at the 2019 FDA Fellows Association Summer Seminar Series, Silver Spring, M.D.
MiKZA Biomed delivers every visualization and interactive application with a commitment to scientific accuracy and excellence in design. I provide multidisciplinary technical skills from pioneering technology to traditional illustration, with the proficiency to create robust, visual solutions to barriers in scientific communication and understanding.